Note: Multiprocessor Synchronization

  • volatile in Java, it’s for thread context
  • static in Java, it’s for object context
  • thread-oblivious and

Note: Networks


  • What about hard-coded maxlen for now
  • what is relay in hardware
  • IP packet header length: in 32-bit units
  • Fragment offset?
  • delete when metric = 16?
  • Mixed use of Printf.printf and Lwt_io.printf

Midterm Review

01. Intro

Circuit switching vs Packet switching

STDM: waste capacity; doesn’t degrade gracefully; illusion of direct link

Statistical Multiplexing: maximizes link utilization; unfair; unpredictable; packet may take different paths; more overhead(additional information like destination address)

Address for link layer: MAC address; Address for IP: IP address

02. Layers
Method advantage disadvantage
Circuit switching guaranteed allocation; low space overhead; easy to reason about failures: must re-establish connection; no graceful degration; waste: allocate for peak; set up time long
Packet switching high utilization; flexible unfair; unpredictable; different paths for each packet
03. Physical Layer

Shannon’s law

NRZ: Non-Return to Zero

NRZ Drawbacks: no signal is 0; consecutive 1s or 0s are problematic; baseline wander problem; clock recovery problem

NRZI: Non-Return to Zero Inverted; encode 1 with transition, 0 with staying the same

Solve problem of consecutive 1s

Manchester: map 0 to chips 01; 1 to chips 10

Solve clock recovery and baseline wander but transmission rate now in half

4B/5B: every 4 bits encoded as 5 chips; transmit using NRZI

Never get more than 3 consecutive 0s

Encoding goals: page 24

  • Sentinels

    • Byte-oriented
    • Bit-oriented
  • Length counts
  • Clock-based

Byte-oriented: character stuffing

Bit-oriented: bit stuffing

Drawback of sentinel: variable length

Length-based: put length in header

Drawback: length get corrupted

CRC checksum helps detect error

Clock-based: 125 us, encode with NRZ but XOR payload with 127-bit string to ensure lots of transitions

Throughput number of bits received per unit of time
Good put Useful bits received per unit of time
Latency How long for message to cross network (Process+Queue+Transmit+Propagation)
Jitter variation in latency
At Least Once Semantics
Stop and Wait Protocol Duplicate data; Duplicate acks; Slow; Timeout hard to set

Duplicate data: add sequence numbers

At Most Once Semantics

Uniquely identify each packet

Sliding Window Protocol

How big is the window? “Bandwidth-Delay Product” BW B/s x RTT s


  • send window size (SWS)
  • last acknowledgment received (LAR)
  • last frame sent (LFS)

  • Invariant LFS - LAR <= SWS
  • Advance LAR when ACK arrives
  • Buffer up to SWS frames


  • receive window size (RWS)
  • largest acceptable frame (LAF)
  • last frame received (LFR)

  • Invariant LAF - LFR <= RWS
  • cumulative ACKs

Tuning send window

SWS- fill the pipe RWS- 1 <= RWS <= SWS SWS <= max valid seq# / 2

Error Detection
Hamming distance

If min HD between valid codewords is d:

  • can detect d-1 bit error
  • can correct (d-1)/2 bit error (round down)

2-D Parity

IP Checksum

n-bit code should capture all but 2^-n fraction of errors- Why?

CRC - Error Detection with Polynomials

05. Switching

Media Access Control
  • Partitioned Access
  • Random Access

Addressing: MAC address

Collision detection


  • Manchester encoding- for constant average voltage so that it can be detected
  • if collision, jam for 32 bits
  • transmission time >= 2 x propagation delay
  • exponential backoff nth time k x 51.2us, for k = 0 .. 2^min(n,10)-1
  • capture effect

Token Ring

  • Interface Cards: Hardware relay
  • Virtual circuit switching
  • Datagram Switching
  • Source Routing
Virtual circuit switching
  • Explicit set-up and tear down phases
  • connection-oriented model
  • one RTT before sending first packet
Datagram switching
  • connectionless model
  • no delay for connection setup
Source routing
  • packets carry entire route: ports

Learning Bridges

bridges same broadcast domain copy frames
repeaters same broadcast and collision domain copy signals
Dealing with loops

Spanning Tree Protocol

  • Doesn’t scale
  • Broadcast doesn’t scale
  • no way to route around congested links

Topology doesn’t have to mirror physical locations

Switch architecture
Cut-through decrease latency can waste transmission(optimistic approach)
Store and forward high latency pessimistic approach
  • head-of-line blocking

07. IP

ARP- address resolution protocol
DHCP- dynamic host configuration protocol: for obtaining host IP addresses
NAT- network address translation
ICMP- internet control message protocol

A protocol runs on top of IP

08. Intra-domain Routing

09. Inter-domain Routing


  • Sequence number is the number for the first of byte of data carried in that segmant
  • Acknowledge number is the next sequence number expected
  • RST: when receiver receives a segment it did not expect to receive
  • Handling lost ACK packet before ESTAB
  • Biggest advised window: 2^16 - 1, buffer size: 2^16

Notes: Database Management Systems

  • relational algebra <=> relational calculus
  • procedural = imperative
  • Datalog adds recursion which relational calculus can’t do
  • check will be run for every DB update, so think carefully before adding check to database
  • cannonical cover algorithm for functional dependencies(search about it)
  • materialize
  • extension language for SQL(PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL)
  • Lossless joins; Dependency preservation; Redundancy Avoidance
  • always close PreparedStatement and ResultSet for JDBC when working with Java, or you’ll get memory leak
  • Calculate closures:

    • Attribute closures
    • Armstrong’s axioms
  • 3NF? Didn’t mention it at all

Note: jQuery

The .attr() method

  • setter: $('a').attr('href', '')
  • getter: $('a').attr('href')

Selecting Elements

  1. By ID: $('#myId')
  2. By Class Name: $('.myClass')
  3. Compound: $('#contents ul.people')
  4. Pseudo-selectors:


Does My Selection Contain Any Elements?
if ($('').length) {
  // do things
Refining & Filtering Selections
// Refining selections.
$( "" ).has( "p" );         // elements that contain <p> tags
$( "h1" ).not( ".bar" );           // h1 elements that don't have a class of bar
$( "ul li" ).filter( ".current" ); // unordered list items with class of current
$( "ul li" ).first();              // just the first unordered list item
$( "ul li" ).eq( 5 );              // the sixth

Note: Data Science

Relational Database


For matrix multiplication, use GROUP BY both row_num and col_num will help a lot.



Find a key that works for both pairs.