Dynamic Programming




  1. Consider the optimal way to…
  2. Consider the last step to that optimal …


The order to fill the table is also related to the architecture of the computer.


####Edit distane

####Graph Algorithm(shortest path)

  1. Bellman-Ford

    Halt at depth n.

     dist(s, t, depth):
         if depth = n: halt;
         return min_i{ length(s, i) + dist(i, t, depth+1) }

    Watch out for negative edge.

  2. Floyd-Warshall

    Table entry: “best path from i to j using 1…k nodes as intermediates”

     dist(i, j, k+1) = 
     min{ dist(i, j, k), dist(i, k+1, k) + dist(k+1, j, k) }
  3. Dijkstra(non-DP)

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