Note: Language
16 Feb 2014###4.1 An example: self-grandpas
###4.2 Signatures and Fields
####4.2.1 Signatures
- extends: extension or subsignature, mutually disjoint
- abstract: no elements of itself
- univ: can be viewed as an implicit abstract signature that all top-level signatures extend
- in: not necessarily mutually disjoint
union of sets
sig C in A + B {}
the union is the only operator can appear in a sig declaration
multiplicity keyword before sig
m sig A {}
abstract sig T {} one sig A, B, C extents T {}
####4.2.2 Basic Field Declarations
####4.2.3 Grouping Disjoint Fields
###4.4 Types and Type Checking
####4.4.1 Basic Types
####4.4.2 Relational Types
####4.4.3 Type Errors
####4.4.4 Field Overloading
- P111 what exactly is overapproximation?
- P113 Example alias?
- all this: Course and some this: Course
###Notes during asgn 2
- I’ve never thought that we can use Alloy to model something like songs or lyrics. I guess it’s because sentence contains logic, and Alloy can model the logic.
###Feb 21 Class
- Alloy only runs within the scope, so it’s never exhaustive to the whole searching space. This should always be kept in mind.
- But, bugs tend to appear with smaller scope.(not always)
###Feb 24 Class
- seq vs order
- seq doc
- the existence of
operator -
override module name
open util/ordering[Cats1] as trace1 open util/ordering[Cats2] as trace2
###Feb 26 Class
#####Skolem Depth:(my experiment)
- It counts
all x: S| all y: S
as one depth - Same quantifiers in sequence is 1 depth
- top level is 0 depth
#####Useful for:
Skolem | No | Yes |
Constraints | Same | Less(some are shifted to Skolem variable) |
Fields | Same | More(to represent some constraints) |
###Note during asgn 3
- Don’t over-think things. Just follow the first instinct.
- The idea of representing infinity in Alloy is to be learned.
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