Note: Logic
02 Feb 2014###Different styles
predicate calculus style
can’t express reachability properties
- navigation expression style
relational calculus style
no quantifiers
A primitive entity that is
- indivisible
- immutable
- uninterpreted
A structure that relates atoms
- size: number of rows
- arity: number of columns
- set: a table with one column
- scalar: a table with a single entry
- option: a unary relation with at most one tuple
- singleton relation: a relation containing exactly one tuple
###Expressing structure with relations
###Functional and injective
- functional: a binary relation that maps each atom to at most one other atom
- injective: a binary relation that maps at most one atom to each atom
- injection: traditionally means a relation that is both functional and injective
- P41 why not higher-order
- P55 first paragraph
- P72 univ lone -> lone univ
####3.4.1 Constants
- none
- univ
- iden: binary relation from atom to itself
####3.4.2 Set Operators
####3.4.3 Relational Operators
transitive closure*
reflexive-transitive closure<:
domain restriction:>
range restriction++
override Arrow product Dot join
database join(retain the matching elements):
id3={a,b,c: univ | a=b and b=c}
p..q = p.id3.q Box join
e1[e2] is e2.e1
dot binds more tightly than box
a.b.c[d] is short for d.(a.b.c) Transpose
symmetric closure of r is the smallest relation that contains r and is symmetric, and is equal to r+~r Transitive closure Domain and range restrictions
relation that maps every atom in some set s to itself:
s <: iden Override
p ++ q = p - (domain(q) <: p) + q
- Insertion of a key into a map
- Assignment statement
3.5 Constraints
####3.5.1 Logical operators
- not
negation - and
negation - or
negation - implies
negation - iff
negation -
else keyword:
F implies G else H
is equivalent to
(F and G) or ((not F) and H)
nested implications:
C1 implies F1 else C2 implies F2 else C3 implies F3
conditional expression
C implies E1 else E2
C => E1 else E2
####3.5.2 Quantification
- all
- some
- no
- lone
- one
- disj
####3.5.3 Higher-order quantification
univ lone -> lone univ
####3.5.4 Let expressions and constraints
let x = e | A
####3.5.5 Comprehensions
###3.6 Declarations and multiplicity constraints
####3.6.1 Declarations
relation-name : expression
####3.6.2 Set multiplicities
- set any number
- one exactly one
- lone zero or one
- some one or more
####3.6.3 Relation multiplicities
r: A m -> n B
####3.6.4 Declaration formulas
declaration formula
####3.6.5 Nested multiplicities
r: A -> (B m -> n C)
is equivalent to:
all a: A | a.r in B m -> n C
r: (A m -> n B) -> C
is equivalent to:
all c: C | r.c in A m -> n B
###3.7 Cardinality and Integers
- plus addition
- minus subtraction
- mul multiplication
- div division
- rem remainder
- = equals
- < less than
- > greater than
- =< less than or equal to
- >= greater than or equal to
sum x: e | ie
###Feb 3 Class
####Binary relation
- reachable from b:
- reachable from b(including b itself):
- reachable to b(reverse):
####Alloy convention
- Alloy thinks
some x: A
issome x : one A
- Alloy thinks
some x: A->B
issome x : set A->B
####A gotcha
^(~next) + ^next
^(~next + next)
They mean total different things!
- The former is all ancesters and descendants
- The latter is all valid boards
The concepts underneath Alloy shares a lot in common with relation calculus(in Database)
But the set in Alloy is strictly mathematical set(eg: no duplicates). Whilst the selection operation in SQL does retrieve duplicate result, for the simple reason that de-duplicate is too time-consuming.
###Notes during asgn0
- The order or all and some matters
###Feb 5 Class
- When modeling things, don’t create the model as you think or imagine, but model exactly as the real system. Or you are verifying the wrong model.
- Eg: some course system may be synced, but some are not. Don’t model it as you like, but model it exactly as the real system.
- At the start of modeling, use as few variables as you can: you can always add more when you need it.
- To test a pred, you need to write another pred and put it in assertion.(question: how)
- Never believe yourself, especially you have Alloy, such a great checker which can do all the checks automatically for you
###Feb 7 Class
- Domain/range restriction operator
- Use both type and semantics to approach the problem
###Feb 10 Class
- Empty conjunction is always true
pred True() {}
pred False() {!True}
- For the problem of finding all courses specific student is taking, restrict the domain is not a good idea. Convert all the constraint to restrict the range, which is student.
###Feb 12 Class
- Recursive multiplicity and quantifier make things really complicated and subtle.
###Notes during asgn 1
- When trying to substract something from a set, first make sure this something is IN the set. Or you’ll substract nothing from the set.
- When you are using number to model things, stop and think back if there is other ways. Usually there’s some other ways to do it.
- When trying to find a way to model a property, compare with things that does not have this property, and find the difference.
- There are many properties implicitly hidden behind the combination of several predicates.
###Feb 14 Class
- There are different formulas to constrain the same thing, but they come with different cost. Some formulas are just friendly to Alloy so it will have better performance.
- Usually the relational style has better performance.
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