SICP: Chapter 1. Building Abstractions with Procedures
14 May 2014###1.1 The Elements of Programming
####1.1.1 Expressions
Prefix notation
####1.1.2 Naming and the Environment
(define [name] [value])
Defines environment(global environment)
####1.1.3 Evaluating Combinations
####1.1.4 Compound Procedures
(define (square x) (* x x))
####1.1.5 The Substitution Model for Procedure Application
Applicative order versus normal order
- normal order: fully expand and then reduce(lazy approach?)
- applicative order: (eager approach?)
####1.1.6 Conditional Expressions and Predicates
(cond (<p1> <e1>)
(<p2> <e2>)
(<pn> <en>))
(cond (<p1> <e1>)
(else <en>))
if statement
(if <predicate> <consequent> <alternative>)
logical composition operations:
- and
- or
- not
####1.1.7 Example: Square Roots by Newton’s Method
- In mathematics we are usually concerned with declarative (what is) descriptions
- In CS we are usually concerned with imperative (how to) descriptions
####1.1.8 Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions
- Each procedure accomplishes and identifiable task that can be used as a module in defining other procedures
- Block structure: to make procedures local and make proper variables free
###1.2 Procedures and the Processes They Generate
1.2.1 Linear Recursion and Iteration
- Is normal order vs applicative order same as lazy evaluation vs eager evaluation
- Exercise 1.7
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