Something New With Ruby
04 Jun 2014####Lambda Literals
succ = lambda {|x| x+1}
succ = ->(x){ x+1 }
succ = ->x { x+1 }
####Porc Equality
lambda {|x| x+1 } == lambda {|x| x+1 } # false
p = lambda {|x| x+1 }
q = p.dup
p == q #true
p.object_id == q.object_id #false
####Shorthand for string list
%w{word1 word2 etc}
####Warning Mode
irb -w
ruby -w
rake notes
Basically use fetch instead of square brackets- it will raise error if it’s nil.
Flexible quoting:
- $(string)
- %!string!
- %{string}
Shovel(«) operator modifies the original string, while += doesn’t
$stdout.reopen 'filename' # redirect standard ouput to a file
$stdin.noecho &:gets # runs gets without echoing input to the screen
$stdin.reopen '/dev/tty' # redirect standard output to the terminal
arr = [1,2,3,4] why arr[4..0] == [] but arr[5..0] == nil
what’s with single quotes sometimes interpret escape characters
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