Ruby in 100 Minutes

####string gotcha

Ruby can’t do string + num

Use .to_s to get around it

Or maybe use this:

number = 4
puts "print a number: #{number}"


  • Starts with a colon then one or more letters
  • Less methods than Strings


Use times method to repeat an instruction

5.times do


  • Return nil when index out of range
  • << operator for appending a signle element
  • Elements don’t need to be of same type


  • { key => value ... }
  • methods: keys, values
  • simplified syntax when all keys are symbols:

    { symbol: value ... }

    (for Ruby 1.9 and higher)


method name ending in a ?: return true or false


  • get rid of the Enter
  • gets.chomp





  • rand(1) always produce 0
  • rand(101): 0-100
  • srand
  • srand 0 seed with current time in ms

####block as a parameter

  • precede the parameter with an ampersand(&)

####global variable

  • preced the variable with $

DoCP: Lesson 2

####Happy Valley

  • Happy: millions
  • Maybe: billions
  • Sad: trillions

####Python “is” operator

is: same object ==: structurally identical


  • Correctness
  • Efficiency
  • Debugging

####List comprehensions ####List comprehensions

####Aspect-oriented programming

seperate out different aspects as much as possible

####Generator expressions

####Generator Functions

####Law of Diminishing Returns

Max Flow and Parallel Algorithms

###Problem 1

  • Enforcing constraint:

                o --------- o
         max   /             \
      s ----- o ----- o ----- t

###Problem 2

Edmonds-Karp algorithm - Compute maximum flow efficiently

###Problem 3

  • Enforcing constraint:

                o ----- o
         >=min /         \
              s           t
       sum-min \         / 
                o ----- o

###Problem 4

non-zero-sum game is weird

###Problem 5

  • In the end, you’ll inevitably hit the bottleneck, one or another.
  • In this problem, the bottleneck is memory bandwidth

Linear Programming

###Problem 1

  • Dual gives an lower bound on how you can minimize it, proving the primal

###Problem 2

  • is not a convex region, but is!
  • Introducing extra variables for constraints is a very useful technique

###Problem 3

Integral constraints naturally guarantee that the variables are integers

###Problem 4

Another method for convex optimization: Recursive Golden Selection

###Relation with optimization

  • Linear programming relaxation gives a lower bound of OPT
  • Optimization gives an upper bound of OPT
  • They are approaching OPT from different direction
  • relaxation -> OPT <- optimization

NP Hardness

  • Only a small tweak to the problem will make a huge difference(1->2)
  • Decision problem is easier to phrase and solve than search problem, but in NP sense, they are tantamount

###Problem 1

  • The divide between NP and P is hard to find
  • Greedy algorithm sometimes is pretty good, it can be simple, efficient and correct(or approximately correct)

###Problem 2

  • The idea of using greedy algorithm to get approximate solution of NP hard problem
  • Find some subset violating the rules, forbid all of them instead of carefully determine(time-consuming) which is the OPT
  • Find special structure of the problem and do something about it

###Problem 3

  • Make sure the dictionary length is different, or it won’t work
  • When trying to reduce from a NP problem to your problem, usually you only get to reduce to a specific instance of your problem. But you don’t know if your problem is overall equally hard
  • The guarantee that all instances of the problem is equally hard is what cryptography is looking for

###Problem 4

Make tweak to an original problem Make tweak to the reduction

Duplicate the constraint