Note: SQL


  • Snowflake
  • Star

###Relation algebra

  • Selection
  • Projection
  • Cartesian Product

    Join: they are all just syntactic sugar

    • natural join
    • left outer join
    • right outer join
    • full outer join
    • left semi join
    • right semi join
  • Rename
  • Union
  • Minus

###Some gotcha - The use of GROUP BY

followed by```having``` - duplicate vs. redundant


  • Xquery
  • Codd’s theorom

###Feb 4 Class

  • SQL does a hell lot of join optimization: simply because join is the most common operation in SQL query
  • sub-query:

    • correlated
    • uncorrelated

    normally uncorrelated has a better performance because correlated means do a sub-query for each different value.

  • Don’t think SQL execution in terms of algorithm sense: because the execution time really depends on the optimization the database does. There may be different indexes for optimization.
  • SQL tries to get around NULL because normally nobody expects it to throw out some errors. But it brings the consequence that operations involving NULL can have unexpected result.
  • However, for programming languages, they care more about correctness, so basically it will throw exceptions or errors.
  • Eg: in WHERE, only output rows whose outcome is TRUE, but reject UNKNOWN/FALSE

Note: Multithreaded Programming

####Creating POSIX Threads

  • returns a positive value indicating failure

####Structure pointer approach


####Passing arguments to threads

  1. copy all arguments to the thread’s stack: isn’t supported in either POSIX or Win-32
  2. pass a pointer to local storage: should make sure this storage doesn’t go out of scope until the thread is finished with it
  3. pass a pointer to static or global storage: works only if one thread at a time is using the storage
  4. pass a pointer to dynamically allocated storage: works only if we can free the storage exactly when the thread is finished with it

####Threads terminate

  • 2 ways:
    1. return from its first procedure(a value of type void*)
    2. call pthread_exit, supplying a void* argument
  • difference:
    1. pthread_exit: terminates just the calling thread
    2. exit: terminates the entire process, including other threads in the process

####Deadlock conditions

  1. a thread can hold an item while waiting for another
  2. a thread cannot be forced toyield the items it is holding
  3. each container has a finite capacity
  4. a circular wait


  • binary semaphores
  • counting semaphres

####Conditional variables

  • P67: why not if --writers == 0
  • P70: Now when the waiting threads wake up, they will find the guard false….


  • fork
  • _exit
  • open
  • close
  • read
  • write
  • sem_post


  • POSIX cancellation

####Bear in mind

  1. it’s unsafe to make more than 1 call to pthread_join on any particular thread
  2. for each call to pthread_create there should be exactly one call to either pthread_join or pthread_detach.
  3. pthread_cleanup_push must match exactly with pthread_cleanup_pop

####Notes during db assignment

  • It’s a common(if standard) approach to mask the signal you want to handle in the main thread, then create a handler thread, specifically unblocking the signal and waiting for the signal, to handle that signal.
  • If you did not pthread_detach the thread, then you’ll have to pthread_join the thread, or the resources allocated by the thread will not be collected.
  • Signal is not that hard at all, just need to figure out the current state.
  • If you cherish your life, stay away from pthread_detach!!!

Note: A Whirlwind Tour


  • multiplicity
  • Name -> lone Addr
  • each name is mapped to at most one address

###Signature facts

  • facts that apply to every member of a signature

###?lookup? {n.^(b.addr) & Addr}

###?Why I have different result with the book?

pay attention to the address mapping change in the Book definition

###Some lessons

  • start from a simple model, add more constraints as needed

Note: Introduction


  • Invoking the kernel from user code
  • Done by system calls
  • Handled as part of the program that caused it


  • A request from an external device for a response from the processor.
  • Handled independently of any user program

####Address space

  • Stack
  • going down
  • going up
  • Dynamic
  • BSS(block started by symbol)
  • Data
  • Text

####Process Management

  • fork()
  • wait(&ReturnCode)
  • exit(n)
    1. process calls exit- zombie state(PID and return value preserved)
    2. parent process calls wait- released(all traces disappear)
  • parent terminates before the child PID 1 inherits the children of terminated processes


  • creates a new process to replace the program with a new one
  • execl(name of file, name of program, command-line arguments terminating with 0)
  • What if the size doesn’t match up? The new process image will have different address spaces for text, data, BSS, Dynamic and Stack according to the new process.

####File Descriptors

  • How many file descriptor table? Each process have different file descriptor table residing in the shell
  • Both file descriptors refer to the same context info



int p[2];
// p[0] for read
// p[1] for write


  • Hard link: link system call or ln
  • Symbol link: symlink system call or ln -s


execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char*const envp[]);
  • path is the path to the program
  • argv
    • The first element in argv is the name of the executed program(eg: last component of path, or whatever)
    • The rest elements in args are argumentlist, terminated by NULL
  • envp
    • Environment pointer, null-terminated
    • see environ(7)

####Bear in mind: some realations

  • Every time you malloc, you have to free
  • Every time you open, think about close

Cryptography 1

##Week 1

###One Time Pad

Never use stream cipher key more than once!

  • Network traffic: negotiate new key for every session
  • Disk encryption: typically do not use a stream cipher