About me

I’m a Master student in CS @ Brown. And there’s tons of fun studying here.

Several days ago, Professor Franco gave us a farewell lecture revisiting half a century of Computer Science. It’s really thrilled to be in part of it, and I’m still so young!

Currently I don’t really have a concentration. And I hope to keep it that way. Algorithms, Programming Languages, Operating Systems, Logic for Hackers, Networks, Database… I just dive in whatever I’m interested in!

I used to have the dream of changing the world. Well, now I realize that I don’t have to aim that high. There are just so many fantastic technologies out there. If I could just leverage those awesome technologies to make things a little better, everyday, that’s already a really huge success. Maybe one day when I look back, I would find out that I’ve already achieve my original dream.

I really admire all those ingenious solutions to sophisticated problems, and what’s more, I admire the ingenuity that envisions which problems are worth solving. That’s what I’m working towards.